Who Emilio Salsi is
Emilio Salsi, born in 1940, had a career in the airforce; after his retirement, he began to study and become passionately fond of historical documents related to the Roman Empire.
Titus Livius, Tacitus, Suetonius, Cassius Dio have become the object of his readings but, apart from the paradoxical "outburst of Christians" persecuted by Nero, he has discovered the "profound darkness" surrounding the events which took place in the first century: there is a lack of concrete testimony of "Christianity", Jesus Christ and the Apostles. He has therefore decided to conduct a more in-depth study. Josephus, Plinius the Younger, Justinus, Tertullianus, Origen, Egesippus, Eusebius of Caesarea ... he is aware that the writings and the lives of these authors must be compared. The laws in force in the Roman Empire during the first century, the power and responsibilities of the men governing its future. Tacitus, Suetonius, Plinius the Younger, all of whom were officials at the top of imperial hierarchy and contemporaries, with the right to consult the "Acts of the Senate" and the historical archives in Rome under the Emperors Trajan and Hadrian, left testimonies which could not contradict one another, butnevertheless...
Confident that the studies published in the present site can contribute to the improvement of knowledge on the origins of Christianity, I would like to communicate that from this moment onwards I will be available for explanations and all criticism is welcome (history not eschatology).
Email address: info@christ-aninventedmyth.eu
Emilio Salsi